Sunday, November 15, 2015

ACHIEVE - Open Call for Proposal for ECSOs

The project ACHIEVE - Albanian Civil Society for a European Environment, which is implemented by REC Albania and financed by the EU Delegation in Tirana has as an overall objective the encouragement and active participation of civil society in policy-making and contributing to the fulfilment of Albania's obligations under the EU Albania Stabilization and Association Agreement.

Through the different Working Packages, REC Albania in close cooperation with the Environmental Civil Society Organizations wants to reach the following strategic objective:
- Reinforced group of CSOs able to work in a professional and sustainable way addressing – also in collaboration with other CSOs and with the relevant governmental counterparts – environmental issue also at policy level.

Objectives and priority issues for the call
General objective: At least 4 group of ECSOs one per each topic (air quality, nature protection, waste management and horizontal legislation) will work at national level both on policy making and policy implementation issues.
Specific objective: At least 4 group of ECSOs one per each topic (air quality, nature protection, waste management and horizontal legislation) will collaborate with each other and work program based to improve the rule of law, fight the corruption and reduce the environmental pollution in the above topics and promote of regional and EU values and initiatives, in the areas related to environment and climate change.

The deadline for the applications is October 23th, 2015

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