Wednesday, April 8, 2015

“Environment Today” Magazine 145 – “No more time to play…!”

"Studies show that more than half of victims from natural disasters and most of economic damages are result of floods, local fires, soil erosion in certain areas, or hot weather and small earthquakes, which in most of the time are not reported: mainly small tragedies in small communities."
This sentence is from the editorial of “Environment Today” magazine, issue 145, which is dedicated to natural disasters and their damages on environment.

In preparation of this number have contributed, in particular, well-known experts in field of civil emergencies and disasters, as Mr. Shemshi Premçi, director of Civil Emergencies at the Ministry of Interior; Ms. Miranda Deda by the National Natural Hazards Forecast near IGJEUM; Mr. Polikron Horeshka, specialist in the Department of industrial accidents and waste in the Ministry of Environment; and Fatos Xhengo from the program for preparation and disaster response near Albanian Red Cross.
"Civil Emergency in Albania: ... between limited capacities and lack of awareness"; "A Rapid Assessment Report after floods caused by Vjosa river "; "The prevention of natural disasters - a possible mission"; "Industrial threats in Albania: the invisible risk!" etc., are some of the main articles inside this number.

Among REC activities presented here we emphasize the article "Strong and prosperous communities along the international rivers", which reflects the international meeting held in Shkodra, on 9-10 March 2015, in framework of CRESSIDA program, with main goal to discuss local challenges and opportunities for fair management of water resources.
In the rubric from the world a special place is dedicated to the "Earth Hour 2015" movement with the slogan for this year: Change climate change, where Albania is participating for the 7th time in this event.

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