Saturday, May 30, 2015

Environment Today 146 - A green horizon for a new administration

This edition of the Environment Today magazine is dedicated to the local elections and inclusion of environmental alternatives to election programs of new candidates for mayor.
"... These issues require necessarily a leader who sees beyond today and has a clear multi-year development plan, which must meet administrations over the years. He / she must show to its citizens the distant horizon and be engaged seriously with them on the road towards a new horizon. The success of new administration can not be measured in a decade, but the failure will appear immediately ... ". This part is detached from one of main writings in this number, dedicated to the inclusion of green policies in the new administrative local governance for a better economic and social development of our country, in accordance with environmental sustainable development.

Among the main articles in this issue, we mention the "Greening of Elections and green policies in coming up elections," prepared by Mr. Xhemal Mato, referring to the 2007 campaign for "greening of local elections". In the article is reflected the work done by civil society at the time for involving environmental considerations into candidates' electoral programs, presenting the results of that campaign as a reminder to today candidates. While the opinions of three members of the Municipality Councils from Shkodra, Elbasan and Vlora ...a local unit pro environment... come as a suggestion for new candidates for mayor.

In actuality section takes place the scandal with pharmaceutical waste near Bovilla lake and presentation of the Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change of Tirana municipality, related to floods and hot waves.
Among the activities of REC, in this edition is reflected the 25th anniversary of the Regional Environmental Center, which marks a very important historical moment in the life of the organization and its future.

In news from world a special place is devoted to "Road to Paris 2015" - UN Conference on Climate Change, where on occasion of it scientists call to the leaders around the world that in the talks will be held in Paris in May 2015, to sign the action plan with eight points about climate change

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Albania hosts Regional NGO Forum on Turning Regional Challenges into Opportunities

The REC implements a number of support projects in SEE countries to help environmental CSOs to address the main environmental challenges in the SEE region, and to strengthen capacities and preparedness in the process of EU integration. In this context that the Regional NGO Forum on Turning Regional Challenges into Opportunities took place in Durres, Albania on May 12-13, 2015. NGOs from Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia participated in the event.

The main specific objective of the forum was to discuss climate change-related challenges, in addition to ways that NGOs can contribution to transboundary natural resource management.

The opening speech was delivered by Mihallaq Qirjo, director of REC Albania, the event's host organisation. He welcomed the participants and thanked them for their willingness to engage in discussions at this level. Regional Director of REC SEE, Gordana Kozuharova, also delivered a welcoming address to the participants. She gave a brief presentation of climate change impacts and the initiatives that the REC has undertaken and implemented to tackle this global problem-one successful example of which is integrated management of the Drini River, in the context of the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC).

Representatives of environmental organisations brought various cases from their home countries regarding cooperation between communities and environmental NGOs on cross-border projects. Participants from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia presented their experience with river basin management plans in their country. The representative of Macedonian organisation Eco Guerilla, Arian Xhaferi, emphasised environmental problems facing the city of Tetovo as a result of illegally discharged pollution.

REC Serbia representative Ivana Tomasevic presented a simulation of climate change impacts, prepared in cooperation with a number of environmental NGOs from Serbia. Four other environmental organisations discussed their approaches to climate change issues in their countries, and described the tools they use to cope with the situation. Boris Jokic from Eko Element, an NGO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, shared his experience with monitoring water resources and the impact that climate change has on these resources. Ermelinda Mahmutaj from EDEN Center in Albania gave a presentation titled "An Eye on the Environment" that dealt with environmental watchdogging and other issues related to climate change. Green Home representative Azra Vukovic outlined a number of projects that her organisation carried out in connection with energy efficiency in Montenegro.

The programme continued with presentations and group discussions, providing a good opportunity share experiences and identify partners with whom to implement regional projects.

The event was organised within the programme "Support to Civil Society Organisations in the field of Environment in Albania (SENiOR-A)", implemented by REC Albania with financial support from the Government of Sweden.